Friday, October 24, 2008

gvrnmnt cntrl

I came to this sitting home taking a test,
Started wondering which America God blessed,
Then I thought of how I could say it best,
It’s simple,
Don’t write king george IV any more blank checks, impeach him,
If you think it’s too late delete him,
But that wouldn’t solve the problem we gotta stop feeding, corporations,
And start believing, I’m leavin, if miss america don’t get her act together,
Matter of fact, why the fuck did I even write this letter, I guess to better,
Inform you,
Than your daily porn view, let’s start a storm they can’t ignore,
A war,
On illegal wiretaps,
And a war against the war on drugs
How bout a war against wars start fightin the thugs,
You’re right the clubs,
They would never play this,
But if that was what I wanted I’d say I was lame, shit,
Let’s get back to basics, back when Clinton set up these failings,
Vote Obama?
Rather join al-Jezeera and hope I get to shoot Trak Palin

Trak Palin, you know the one who joined the army,
On 9/11, now I’ll get Frank like Barney,
Democrat, Massachusetts, all for the 700 billion,
He wants taxpayers to give to the corporate villains,
It’s ill when,
All these politicians get together,
Call it CFR or congress, whichever you like better,
And Paulson? Let me explain you his role,
Get money for Goldman Sachs for all the stocks he holds,
Well I wonder who’s been buying up all these failed mortgages,
Maybe the motherfuckers at JP Morgan?
yeah, the same guys who started the last derpression,
Good luck trying to get any other impression, check the message,
I’m not against Blue or Red,
I’m against money hungry politicians and talking heads,
The walking dead, better known as the American people,
Are lost in all this, but these guys are so see-through,
Illegal, their wars and all the policy,
I’m voting Nader or leaving, who wants to follow me?

1 comment:

loudough said...

shit is offtha chain, son...

right there with you

love it <3